C-Suite Partnering with Board Members = Dynamic Success

An Executive Leadership Forum
WAS HELD: Thursday, December 2, 2021
Achieving that healthy tension in the boardroom—where the board is advising the CEO and management team while maintaining objectivity, independence, and skepticism—has always been a challenge. Yet, the mounting complexity of the current business environment has placed tremendous pressure on boards and CEOs to deliver results.
Rapid technological change and business model disruption, economic and geopolitical uncertainty, and investor demands to hold leaders and boards more accountable for performance all place possible strains on the board-CEO relationship. This intensifying external pressure raises the odds of adversarial dynamics between CEOs and directors, leaving many CEOs feeling unsupported and misunderstood.
Join us as we discuss how boards and company leaders can effectively navigate this relationship to maximize corporate performance.
You’ll learn how to:
- Set clear expectations that the board’s role extends beyond compliance and oversight and that it includes serving as a resource for the CEO.
- Create transparency to build trust and confidence between the board and the management team.
- Develop seamless communication channels to find the right level of board engagement on such issues as strategy, risk management, talent, management succession, and the culture throughout the organization.
- Use executive sessions to identify issues and concerns that other directors may not feel comfortable sharing with the CEO during board meetings.
Guest Speakers: Al Rajwani, Board Member for BioBridge Global and Texas Biomedical Research Institute and Diane Miller, President & CEO, Wilcox Miller & Nelson Firm
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