What is your Leadership Worth?

conference for BG

A Complimentary Virtual Workshop

WAS HELD: Tuesday, October 19, 2021; 9:00–10:00 AM (Central Time)

Your leaders have given a lot to remain effective during this time of uncertainty. There is one thing we all now know, what work stoday in the blink of an eye can be rendered ineffective tomorrow. What if your leaders could get even more effective and remain so even during a period of change?

Join us for an engaging session with four Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaches that will explain a measurable and sustainable approach to bolster your leadership. Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the #1 Leadership thinker in the world voted by Thinker's 50. Over 11,000 leaders have experienced this coaching that spans across multiple continents with 95% experiencing increased leadership effectiveness reported by MGSCC.

What will you learn? You will learn about a coach approach that helps further develop your leaders.

  • What organizational struggles may you be experiencing?
  • Your organization is growing and leaders are being stretched to leverage their leadership in new ways
  • Leaders are expected to move from a subject matter expert to a transformational leader overnight
  • The organization needs to deliver on a strategic plan that has recently been launched
  • Leaders are expected to be just as effective in remote or hybrid working environments

View or download the 23-page PowerPoint presentation as a PDF:

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