Ex-celerating Success—The Power of Executive Onboarding at ATD Meeting, August 2016

The San Antonio Chapter, Association for Talent Development (ATD) will hold its Monthly Learning Meeting on Wednesday, August 17, 2016, 11:30 AM–1:00 PM, at Milano Ristorante Italiano. “Ex-celerating Success—The Power of Executive Onboarding” The speaker will be Barbara A. F. Greene, Founder and CEO of Greene and Associates, Inc., A Career Partners International Firm. During…


A Strategic Approach to Executive Onboarding

Half of newly hired executives quit or are fired within the first three years. Almost as many who change jobs or are promoted (40%) fail within the first 18 months. With such alarming numbers and the high costs of executive recruitment, why do more organizations not have a formal executive onboarding approach to assimilate executives…


Ex-celerating Success – The Power of Executive Onboarding

On June 12, 2014 over 500 global registrants joined Career Partners International for a complimentary webinar with a distinguished panel sharing the importance and impact of a strategic onboarding approach. Career Partners International is pleased to provide this complimentary one-hour webinar to our clients and guests around the world.  View and/or download the webinar: Ex-celerating Success—The…


Webinar: Ex-celerating Success

Greene and Associates, Inc. and Career Partners International Invitation Ex-celerating Success The Power of Executive Onboarding Thursday, June 12th, 2:00 p.m. EDT/1:00 p.m. CDT/12:00 p.m. MDT/11:00 a.m. PDT Register now! What are the high-costs of leaving your executive onboarding to chance? Research shows that 50% of newly hired executives quit or are fired within their…