Posts Tagged ‘Executive Leadership’
Board Diversification: Moving from Interest to Action
With increased focus on diversity stemming from investors, stakeholders, and regulators alike, the need for diverse voices in all aspects of a corporation has become critical. Boards must lead, and the onus is on them to take up this mandate to unlock the organization’s potential and set the tone at the top.
MORE INFOGrace and Grit When Offboarding Employees: The C- Suite Responsibility
WAS HELD: June 3, 2021
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In this Executive Leadership Forum, we will hear from companies who “did it right” – honoring and supporting those being offboarded, while living up to their corporate values. We will discuss the planning process, how offboarding is more than just compliance, risk mitigation and implementing exits in a manner that results in people looking back at their tenure with positive feelings rather than devastation. Additionally, we will explore what C-Suite leaders should do a year before they exit their position in order to leave the company and culture strong and moving forward.
MORE INFOHow Executive Leadership Can Support an Organization’s Mental Health Thru a Crisis
WAS HELD: March 4, 201
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In this Executive Leadership Forum, we will discuss what measures can be taken by Executive Leadership to support their people and help reduce the mental health impact of the pandemic.
MORE INFOBuilding Transformational Leaders through Leadership Coaching
An Executive Leadership Webinar Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 9–10:30 AM (CDT) Greene & Associates, Inc. and Career Partners International–Austin will host a complimentary virtual discussion as part of our Executive Leadership series that spotlights key executives discussing relevant and pressing topics that inpact organizations. View the PowerPoint presentation (as a PDF) or download it to…