What is your “Mantel of Leadership?”
Complimentary Virtual Workshop
December 2, 2020, 9:00–10:00 AM (CT)
Join us as we close out 2020 and look forward to 2021 with an inspirational message from MajGen Angie Salinas, USMC (Ret.), CEO Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas. With her grace and grit, Major General Salinas will share her story about how everything she needed to know, she learned in the Marine Corps.
Utilizing the principles of leadership she learned from her 39 years of service as a Marine, she transitioned to non-profit America and now leads the Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas during a time of immense change.
View the PowerPoint presentation (as a PDF) or download it to your device.
GreeneandAssoc_Mantel-_of_Leadership_Virtual_WorkshopHandout_12.2.2020_v3View the promotion PDF or download it to your device.