The Changing Faces of Leadership: the Leadership Journey for Organizations

sahrma_logoBarbara A. F. Greene will moderate a panel discussion, The Changing Faces of Leadership: the Leadership Journey for Organizations, for the February meeting of the San Antonio Human Resource Association, Inc.


February 9, 2010, Networking: 11:20 AM; Lunch/Program: 12:00 PM
San Antonio Human Resource Management Association
San Antonio Marriott Northwest

Register on the SAHRMA Web site.

A panel of local leaders will discuss their leadership journeys and the changing face of leadership for organizations.

BarbaraGreeneBarbara A. F. Greene, Founder and CEO, Greene and Associates, Inc., Moderator

BARBARA A. F. GREENE is the founder and CEO of Greene and Associates, Inc., an organizational resilience company, and partner in Career Partners, International. Barbara and her highly professional team offer solid, creative, customized solutions to large corporations as well as small businesses. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and is a Master Certified Coach designated by the International Coach Federation. Barbara has extensive experience in leadership development and executive coaching with leaders in a number of top companies in a variety of industries.

DanDeckerDaniel J. Decker, Executive Vice President & General Manager, SeaWorld San Antonio

DAN DECKER is responsible for the daily operation of the world’s largest marine life park as well as strategic planning for the park’s long-term growth. He has previously held leadership positions, including director of operations and other roles with SeaWorld’s parent company, general manager of Grant’s Farm in St. Louis, and several positions in SeaWorld San Diego. Decker holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Hartford University. He is currently chair of the San Antonio Convention and Visitor’s Bureau and serves on numerous boards of organizations in the tourism industry. 

CrystalKohankeCrystal Kohanke, PHR, Vice President Human Resources, Harland Clarke

Crystal Kohanke, Vice President of Human Resources for Harland Clarke, is the company’s most senior HR executive, responsible for a leadership team of more than 30 professionals who deliver strategic and tactical human resource functions for all areas of the business. She earned a BBA in Accounting from St. Mary’s University and Master of Science degree in Human Resource Management Systems from Chapman University in Orange, California and has held human resource and leadership positions in several organizations. She has received many service recognition awards from both senior leaders and fellow employees.

DonYoungDon Young, CMS, Director of Talent Acquisition, Tesoro Companies, Inc.

Don Young joined Tesoro Companies in May 2005. He has previously served as Manager, Talent Pipeline Americas, for Shell Oil in Houston; Vice President International Human Resources for Medtronic, the world’s largest medical device manufacturer; and in a variety of leadership roles for Levi Strauss. He has extensive international experience, having worked on five of the seven continents A graduate of North Carolina A&T State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, he did graduate studies in Economics at Penn State University and in Organizational Development at West Georgia University.